Why YouTube?
Francisco Rosales’ Socialmouths Blog nicely summarises why YouTube is so important.
Not everybody reads blogs, on YouTube you’re tapping into a possible new audience
YouTube videos are shown on Google results
Video is the best next thing to actual face-to-face interaction and it’s much better to humanize your business than written content
People search YouTube to learn about products and services more than any other social network
Video is easier to communicate and educate your prospects and existing clients around your products
Video is easier to consume than written content
Many of your competitors have no presence on YouTube, but they do on Facebook and Twitter
The opportunities to produce great video quality are reachable to any size budget (even your iPhone can be enough)
Videos, specially YouTube, are widely viewed on all kinds of screens (PC, mobile, tablet)
YouTube videos are super easy to distribute to other social networks and to embed on websites and blogs